Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nobody's Listening

[I wrote this blog in about 5 minutes in a completey stream-of-consciousness way. So, please excuse my poor English and the lack of structure.]

I just listened to the last episode of the Nobody‘s Listening Podcast, almost 4 months after it was recorded (on my birthday, just FYI) and tears are streaming down my face.
I remember the night I read James‘ tweet implying that the show was going to end. I remember how I tried to hold back my tears back then. I had just met my then-fiancĂ© and did not want him to believe that I was a lunatic who was crying because of the end of a podcast. Well, I did not succeed. I cried for many, many hours. (I am pretty sure he had never even heard of a podcast was until he met me.) I cannot believe he still married me after seeing my reaction...

After this announcement, I stopped listening. I wanted to cherish every single of the last 8 episodes. In a way, I wanted the show to never end and by not listening those episodes, I could reach that goal. However, my curiosity and the fact that I needed some good old middle school humor (:P) got the better of me and I started to listen to those episodes yesterday morning and I am so glad I did.

Especially the very last episode brought back so many wonderful memories. I laughed so hard, which brought back those oh´so´familiar weird looks from other people I used to get all the time while listening to nclast.

John, you are my rockstar, you always know how to make me laugh and brighten my day. I consider you one of my best friends and couldn‘t be more thankful to have gotten to know you through the various social interwebs. Your impression of Aaron Neville was one of the most hilarious parts of nlcast EVER!

Trevor, I remember so many instances, where I cried tears of laughter because of your stories (elevator action (of course), your wedding story (or better, Sonia‘s wedding story), Princess trevor etc.) or, yes, I will admit it, the way you were treated by James.

James, oh James. Where would I be without you?
You saved my life. Literally. Nobody‘s Listening was one of the first podcasts I listened to. During that time, I was suffering from a major depression and I do not know if I would still be alive had it not been for you and this podcast. I often randomly remember some of the very first stories you told with Amy or David. Those anecdotes were, by far, the best. Thank you for making me lie on the floor laughing when everything around me seemed to fall into pieces.

You are also a prime example of the way you can turn your whole life around, no matter how awful your childhood and upbringing was. I will always be in awe of you.
You have created something very special, James. Something that many, many people will always remember.
Nobody‘s Listening will always have a very special place in my heart.
I listened. I always have. I will never forget.

Thank you, James, Trevor and John!


  1. This is a beautiful tribute.


  2. Staaaaaaaaaaalker!!!!!

    Awesome post, Anne! beautifully put.

  3. Thanks so much! I knew we had the best audience in the world. This is proof!

  4. Thank you so much Anne. It was an honor having the privilege to entertain so many people, and to hear that we affected someone like this makes it so worthwhile. No if only I could understand the Norweigan on this page to attach my profile pic...Oh well :)

    From America's Hat,
