Tuesday, December 28, 2010

that time I jammed my thumb in my car door


So, last night, after spending my afternoon at McCafé because it is the only place where I have access to the Internet here near my hometown (long story), I drove home looking forward to spending the evening doing nothing but watching mindless TV or reading my book, I slammed my car door on my thumb. I have no recollection of how I managed to close the door with my right hand and at the same time jam my right thumb, but I did. All I remember is looking at my hand slowly realizing that I could only see half

of my thumb. It really was like in a move, everything happened in slow motion. I was half expecting to see half of my thumb on the ground after opening the car door again.

Well, after the initial shock, I dropped my Macbook and purse, ran to the front door, which was of course shut (which is quite rare). I rang the bell like a madman, praying someone would open the door.

After a minute or so, my mom finally opened the door yelling at me for being so rude and for making such a fuss. Her behavior changed the second she saw my thumb. Believe me, it was not pleasant to look at and it HURT like hell.

She forced me to hold it under cold water while ran to get my dad. He took one look at it and told me to go to the emergency room because it looked broken (my dad’s a general practitioner). I first refused to go because I thought it was only bruised and all I wanted to do was l lay down and close my eyes for a minute.

But my mom would not hear a word of my “reasoning” and so we drove to the emergency room, were admitted by a super rude nurse (who

I had already known from one incident where my brother hit me so hard I had to go to the emergency room to see if I was ok) and had to wait quite some time before we finally saw a doctor. He, in turn, was very nice. I had to have X-rays taken, which took another hour or so and then a different doctor told me that my thumb was indeed broken and that I had to wear a splint for the next 10 days. Ugh. I have a tiny wound that they had to glue together. The second doctor wanted to suture it but I told him that it wasn’t necessary. He listened to me. lol

my tiny splint

Now I have to run around with this splint which is disabling me in all kinds of ways. I can’t even really brush my teeth. Thank God that I do not live alone. LOL But I feel like a toddler… I already cannot wait for those 10 days to be over.

The pain isn’t too bad. I am just mad at myself for being so stupid and breaking my own thumb.

For those who don’t mind seeing blood and gross, broken thumbs, here are some pictures I took while I was bored waiting sitting in the waiting room. I don’t think the photos are too bad, but John should probably NOT look at them.


  1. Ugh. I hope the pain doesn't get too bad.

    This incident reminds me of the time I dislocated my thumb. To this day I don't quite know how I managed it. I was doing my homework on the floor (as I liked to do) and somehow my thumb popped out of its socket when I stood up. It didn't even hurt too bad at first. The next day it hurt a lot worse and I went to see my doctor. He told me it was dislocated but he couldn't really do much about it. It was back in its socket. I just had to not use it and take painkillers. My gym teacher never did quite believe me.

  2. Oh nooo! I know how you feel but at least now you have a story to tell lol. Feel better!

  3. Ouch! Get better, Anne. Hope the hubby will be home to spoil you soon!

  4. Winnie, that does sound quite hurtful too. I remember my teachers not believing me when my brother fractured my thumb a long time ago. They always think you just want to get out of having to do school work...
    I hope you don't have any problems with your thumb anymore.

  5. thanks, Andrea. I hope he will come back today. *fingers crossed*

  6. Colleen, your story tops mine BY FAR. But I think we would have done anything to NOT have to tell those stories, right?!
    Oh well, now all is good. I am glad you made it back home safely.

  7. Wow, Anne, that is some "ugly" thumb you gave yourself.
