Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mad Men

Since my mind is keeping me awake because of the beginning of my stay at the clinic tomorrow, I thought I could use this time and tell you my thoughts on the first season of Mad Men.

I have heard Jack Glatfelter (@crackpotjack) talk and rave about it for a loooooong time now and have always wanted to check it out. I started the first episodes during Christmas break, but with the trip to Africa, the eating disorder, the beginning of the new semester at my university and watching way too many other shows, it took me until last night to finish the first season. 

I have to admit that at the beginning, I did not really get it. I thought it had a really slow start. I coud not figure out what all the fuss was about. Some of the episodes seemed to me totally pointless and without a definite purpose or even plot. But - since I trust Jack's judgement and value his opinion - I kept watching and it did pay off. The finale was fantastic and now I finally feel like the writers knew what they were doing all season. This one single episode gave so many insides in the characters that the rest of the season makes a whole lot more sense now. 

I cannot wait to watch season 2 and see how the characters develop and grow. I hope we will get to know even more about their past and real motives.

Thank you for another fantastic recommendation, Jack. 

And thanks for making me watch even more TV. :P

I will try to get at least a few hours of sleep now. I still have not packed my suitcase and I have NO IDEA what to take with me...

1 comment:

  1. I'm like you. I listened to people talk about it. I started watching With S3 and iTunes had a sale in the summer and I bought S1-3 and watched before S4 started. I'm enjoying it.
