Saturday, April 2, 2011

Time Machine!

... okay, so I do have more to say - for now. ;)

My husband and I spent this beautiful day, that felt almost like the first day of summer, in our very own time machine [won't tell you where it's at though... hehe]!

We were able to forget about our worries for a few hours and just spent some much needed quality time with each other. It felt so good to just BE. I was so excited to finally wear a dress outside again without being cold. Ahhhh, I LOVE spring! 

And I finally got a shot of the mountains (the view is not as great as it is from the garden of my clinic, but it is still incredible). 


  1. How picturesque it is there & you are right, the mountains are beautiful!

  2. Absolutely beautiful! Now I want to come visit even more!!

  3. I would LOVE to organize a meet up here. If only flights to Europe weren't so expensive...
