Monday, April 4, 2011

Weight Gain

I gained 2 kilos in 6 days and EVERYBODY is ECSTATIC about it, but me.  
I just want to hide under my blanket and ball my eyes out.
If I gain that much in such a short amount of time, still eating maybe half of what a "normal" eating person consumes, how much will I gain when I am actually able to eat a rather normal portion?
This is going way too fast! How is my psyche supposed to keep up with that? I haven't even started on working on a single one of my issues.
This is just going way too fast. 


  1. Pretty quick indeed! If you think about it, though, when people go on The Biggest Loser, or enter a weight loss program of any kind, they often lose a lot of weight initially. I think of it as your body breathing a sigh of relief, in both cases. Finally, it's getting the attention it needs so badly! Just hang in there. You will settle into a more comfortable routine.

  2. Your body is in starvation mode. It's afraid that it will never eat like this again.

    If you stick to a certain amount of calories every day (or at least regularly), your body will compensate, realize that it will get the same amount of food tomorrow, and start burning it appropriately.

    Your body doesn't trust you to eat right. What does THAT say? ;-)

    We love you, and keep on it...

  3. You were both so right. My weight has been on a roller coaster during the last 10 days. It doesn't make sense and it is still scary, but I am trying to not think about it too much. But that is, of course, easier said than done.
