Monday, February 14, 2011

Welcome to the World of Adults?!

Do you ever feel like you will never catch up?
 Because this is the feeling that I have been having for months now.

There is so much to do.
I have emails in my inbox date December 2010...
I have stuff on my to do list that should have been done long before Christmas.
I have started 13 different blog posts and haven’t finished a single one.
And every time you think you can finally start catch up, something else comes up.
I have about eight applications I wanted to write since the day we got back from Cameroon, and haven’t done a single one.
I have wanted to create my own website since last November and haven’t gotten very far AT ALL.
I guess that this just means that I have arrived in the world of adulthood, doesn’t it?
And I am not very well adjusted yet...
So, to everybody out there, who is always caught up and who manages not to feel stressed out ALL THE TIME, I applaud you. 


  1. Caught up? Never.
    Behind? Always.
    Overwhelmed? Sometimes.

    The key I've found is making a list of what's truly important to you. Do those things & let most of the other stuff go! Find out what is important to your Hubby as far as housework/chores goes. Do the things that are important to him & let the rest go.

    Just wanted to let you know that you aren't the only one who struggles with "Adulthood" but it does get easier as you get older, well at least a little... ;-)

  2. at least there is some light at the end of the tunnel. :)
