Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My husband & Father Roderick


So, this morning, I was listening to episode #782 of "The Break" with Father Roderick and around the 43 minute mark, I heard that my husband dedicated an episode to me

First, I thought I had misheard what Father Roderick was saying, then I started to tremble. I was so touched that my husband would think of something like this, that he knows how much it would mean to me. Words cannot express how grateful I am.
One of my idols, a person I look up to in so many ways, talked about me and the things Father Roderick said are still surreal to me.

This will forever be one of the highlights of my life. I cannot count how many times I have listened to this part of the episode already and I will listen to it over and over and over again. 

Thank, Andreas. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!! I have THE BEST husband in the WOOOOOOOOORLD!!!!!
And thank you, Father Roderick, for believing in me, for encouraging me and for praying for us.
I am beyond honored to know that you are thinking of me. 


  1. That was so sweet of your hubby and Father Roderick!

  2. Oh, I skip commercials,so... ;-)

    Yes, that was great! I would encourage you to keep little reminders of these happy moments around you, to help when things get tough. It's wonderful that you have someone to support and encourage you, as all spouses should.

  3. How cool! I'll have to to download it and listen :) Go Andreas!

  4. Because of that sponsorship on The Break, I am now following your blog!

  5. Go, Andreas indeed! Best husband ever. :)
    @bones7777 I am super excited that you are following me now!
